Carson ADU

Carson ADU offers a solution centered on quality for those looking to build accessory dwelling units. ADUs combine functionality and design, meet local building codes, and complement the primary dwelling.

Ensure a carefree process by securing all required permits, understanding zoning laws, and strategically planning space optimization with the assistance of ADU contractors Carson. Compliance with building regulations, obtaining necessary permits, and strongly emphasizing the quality of your ADU into a wise and valuable investment.

Take The First Step Toward Your ADU

Consider the type of ADU that suits your needs. Explore their benefits, including extra living space, rental income, and increased property value, while considering zoning laws and building regulations.

Carson ADU

Site Planning

Ensure adherence to zoning and setbacks, map existing utilities and their connections, maximize sunlight and privacy for both units, design a dedicated entry and parking solution, and carefully assess the site’s drainage and slope for a solid foundation.

Code Compliance

Building a Carson ADU means navigating a sea of regulations. ADU builders can be your compass, ensuring plans meet zoning, building codes, and utility requirements, from setbacks and parking to plumbing and electrical.

Read Our Carson ADU Checklist

Design and Structure

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are becoming increasingly popular for their versatility and potential to add value to your property. But with so many options available, choosing the right design and structure can feel overwhelming.

  • Detached ADU: A separate, self-contained unit built on the same property as your main house.
  • Attached ADU: Connected to the main house via a shared wall or garage.
  • Garage Conversion: Transforming an existing garage into a living space.
  • JADU: A smaller unit, typically less than 500 square feet, often located above a garage or another existing structure.

Customize Your ADU Floor Plan Today!

Customizing your ADU floor plan today is about more than just tailoring a living space to your preferences. It’s about enhancing your lifestyle and adding value to your property. With the expertise of ADU builders, who balance aesthetics with practicality and compliance with creativity, the journey becomes more manageable. They understand design nuances and regulations, ensuring a seamless transformation from blueprint to building.

See all Carson ADU Floor Plans

Carson ADU Service Area Zip Codes

Carson ADU by ADU Builders has enabled the expansion of the service area and covers a variety of zip codes in the region.


Carson ADU Builders

Carson ADU Contractors has experienced and dedicated professionals creating masterpieces. Our team has decades of expertise and delivers high-quality, innovative solutions that align with clients’ vision. We transform spaces with creativity and practicality, ensuring compliance and timeless designs. Choose us to enhance your lifestyle and add value to your property.

Carson ADU Builders

Average Cost To Build an ADU in Carson

The average cost of building an ADU in Carson, California, varies depending on the size, type, and finishes chosen. However, estimates range from $314 to $370 per square foot. However, these figures can fluctuate based on the specific parameters of each project.

Type & Square Foot Average Cost Medium Cost High-End Cost Property ROI (%)
Studio ADU

420 sq. ft.

$125,600 $144,000  $176,000 4-5%
1 Bed 1 Bath

520 sq. ft.

$188,400 $216,000 $270,000 5-6%
2 Beds 1 Bath

630 sq. ft.

$245,250 $279,000 $345,000 6-7%
2 Beds 2 Baths

800 sq. ft.

$292,800 $333,000 $414,000 7-8%
3 Beds 2.5 Baths 1,150 sq. ft. $441,000 $504,000 $604,800 8-9%